Sunday, July 20, 2014

Turtle Speaks Out

 On my way to Santa Fe to look at a new larger home for myself. Apparently the Turtle disagreed with my intentions, because he began to spit, sputter, and became nearly in operable. Eventually stopping at Storrie Lake State Park. Called several shops in town for a quote for a tune up.

 The first being All Terrain Transmission, and the first question out of there mouth was "You from outta town?" They ended up quoted me $585 for a basic tune-up, the rest of the shops quoted between $250, and $300, so if your in the Las Vegas NM area I highly recommend NOT using them.

With the help of my camp neighbor Mike, two trips to town, and a hour and half of bullshitting we managed to get a tune up done for $67. Here's a few more pics....

 Smart geese not migrating to far for the summer.
 Baby bird let me pet him
 Camp pet enjoying a peanut butter cracker
Horny Toad

 Mike my camp neighbor from Waco TX. Takes 3 to 4 months a year to travel in the mountains. Tried to offer him dinner for helping me out, but he refused several times saying he was just glad to help.
 Mikes rig has everything he needs for his 4 month adventure.

 Robert another camp neighbor in remission from cancer decided to buy this lil rig, and head west for a few months. Plans on returning home to North Carolina buying a small piece of land, and living a simple life.
 Roberts rig. Robert also wrote a book called Marble Mountain Memoirs
 John Rogers another camp neighbor.  Him, and his traveling companion Jennifer (also a van-dweller) made me a fine dinner of turkey burgers, and stir fried veggies. Thanks
The inside of John's van. He also has a blog at Life in a Volkswagon Bus

So when I am at a point maybe to buy something a bit bigger to call home. The Universe show's me 4 other simple homes. So for now I guess Ill ponder. Ill post some pics of camp, and the other shenanigan's here at Storrie Lake soon. Guess there's a biker rally here in Vegas this coming weekend, so contemplating moving, but that could be a lot of fun as well? Thanks for visiting. Good Day!


  1. Lots of great options there. The universe is funny that way, isn't it?

    1. Truly is. Recently ran across 2 more people that said they would go back to a van.

  2. Interesting that so many van campers were at the same place and time. Hmmmm? I wouldn't rule out a different rig though. But, take your time and make a careful decision.

    1. They both were stationed at thesame place in Viet Nam as well

  3. You might really like something newer. Your camper to me is huge haha. Can't wait to get this work done.

    I see you met Roxie, Annie and the others. Met then a couple of years ago.

  4. I have an idea (always do) lol Maybe with some tweaking inside your van it would better suit your needs. While I love the VW vans yours is much larger. I know the van is quite old and maybe is it time for an upgrade. Just throwing that out there.

    1. Lol yep been throwing that idea around as well. Gonna let it all simmer for a bit :)

  5. Hi Ryan! It's been awhile. Funny I should catch up to you at this point. I sold my rig last year. TOO BIG!!! I've been living in and out of a Pontiac Vibe, for the past year, while shopping for a van. Although I've really enjoyed the smallness of the car, it's really too small. Missed you last spring, hope to find you this year.

    Take good care!

    1. Hey Cindy good to hear from you! Maybe the van is just right :) Why arent you posting your adventures in the Pontiac Vibe?

  6. Beautiful! Does anyone do this in philadelphia or new york that you know of?

    1. Im sure there out there. Cant name any right of hand. I know people have paid there way through college by stealth camping on the streets on the east coast.
