Saturday, October 4, 2014

New dishwasher

 Meet Ginger! For 6 months I been waiting for a sign to get another pooch, so a few weeks back while in town I ran across this lil Sh#t head. Pondered it for quite sometime, then the lady told me her birthday March 22nd, which was the same day that Candy had passed :(    Figured that was a good enough sign from the Universe to take her home.

Now my days are filled with GET OVER HERE! NO! and GOOD GIRL! spoken 100s of times daily. Were still working on the rules of her new lifestyle. She seems to be catching on more and more each day, and then forgets by morning :)

 Chewing on a box her first night figured it was better then my shoes.

 Treats from a stranger. A day in town, and not one thing was destroyed or eaten. knock on wood.
Another sign from above she enjoys her barley soda's. Any hue been on "The Mesa" for the passed month staying still enjoying the weather for the most part been getting some heavy rains here for this time of year.

 The whole families been up to visit a couple times, and had another 25 yards of rock hauled in, so Ill get some pics of that when completed. Good Day!


  1. She is a real sweet looking little girl. I she a rescue from the White Mountians?
    Heading to Madera week of the 13th. Hope I can get a spot

    1. That was her next stop was the pound. Enjoy Madera!

  2. she is awesome!! best of luck for a long life together!

  3. Aww, she's a cutie! And a lucky dog getting to join you, living a great life out in nature.

  4. so happy for you Ryan. and for Ginger too. she looks like a sweetie and I agree about those signs. i'm waiting for one also, still missing, missing, missing our Sancho. we are in Wisconsin having just visited the daughter in MN. heading toward FL for December. take care. maybe we will run into you and ginger later this winter in Tucson. hope so. we'll have you over for dinner then! be well & safe, Becky, Carlos & Abra (from coyote creek in the View)

    1. Hey great to hear from you 2! Will be headed towards Tucson in a Month or so. Happy Travels

  5. oh im so pleased-have been hoping you would get a new friend.What a great life she will have.A lucky pooch indeed x

  6. Beautiful dog - she looks like a German Shepard? Lucky Ginger, and lucky you. I'm so glad you have a traveling companion again. It will take some time for her to acclimate to you and your rules, but Shepards are smart dogs, and she'll get it. :)

  7. YAY pooch! Your story reminds me of Bill Cosby's routine, where he and Russell thought their names were "Dammit!" and "Jesus Christ!"

  8. I had to read back a bit to catch up. I'm so glad You've got Ginger pulling up the slack. Tell her congratulations for me. She hit the jack pot in her new home!
