Saturday, May 31, 2014

Heron Lake State Park

Very quiet (with one exception) is about all I can say about Heron State Park even memorial day weekend there was only 5 of us camped in this campground. 

My first campsite was over run by Hobie Catamaraner's (not sure if thats a word), which was a boat club. They even started camping in my site, so rather then show off my ninja skillz, and cat like reflexes I turned the key, and moved two campgrounds over. Turned out a to be a much better camping spot.

There's 7 or 8 different campgrounds at Heron Lake, and primitive beach camping on the shore. Been pretty muddy though. Verizon cell service is best on the south shore of the lake in the campgrounds across the dam I been using a booster, but others in the area are getting along fine without it. Heres a few more pics of the area........

On Easter 2011 a plane crashed into the lake. Only pieces of the plane, pilot were recovered, but 23 kilos of cocaine were found floating. Supposedly a drug runner for the mexican mafia was the pilot he was flying out of Prescott AZ. Theres still rumored to be cocaine at the bottom of the lake about 150 ft down 

 Rio from the dam. Another Osprey nest in the upper right.
 Rio Chama withe heron reservoir draining into it.
 Chama Canyon
Thanks for visiting! Good Day!


  1. Great pics. Love the rainbow also:)

  2. Nice place,
    But what nerve of them to just though there camp into yours.

  3. I expect to be there in the fall. So, it's nice to see your report. Take care.

  4. I had heard there was a new Verizon tower there. Been hoping to see someone verify that they could now get Verizon signal. We camped at the Ponderosa CG last year, so sounds like that's a good one to get the signal, down past the dam. I do have a Sleek booster. Will have to get back up there. Nice pics.
    Safe travels! Jeanne
