Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Riding the Storm Out

Time to make my way to 7600'. After watching the various weather websites, it appeared that the weather was gonna remain 65 to 70 for the most part. So I stocked up on supplies, then headed up the mountain.

 Upon arrival the weather folks were right a fine day indeed, so Candy decided to take me for a hike I heard from a fellow boondocker there was snow over on the ridge. Knowing how much she would love a romp in the white stuff we headed in that direction, as you can see from the pic above it was a bit disappointing, that was all about to change.

Enjoying a long weekend of perfect weather. The weather man said there was a storm front moving in, and could produce winds up to 60mph, also a chance of 2-4 inches of snow possible. Wasn't to excited about the wind, but a little snow a few times a year I do enjoy. When I went to bed Monday night the winds had stopped, still no snow though,then I awoke to this.....

2 to 4 inches my @$#! 10 inches, and still snowing on/off over 5 hours later. Sunny Arizona :)

 Guess Ill be staying awhile.
 No worries got a months worth of supplies wouldn't chance any storm in the mountains without them. The good news is 65 by Friday, so they say.

 Candy got her romp in the snow
 Getting tuckered in the deep stuff!
Just a note for you folks in the midwest, and possibly east coast. Check your weather you may wanna batten down the hatches. Thanks for visiting!


  1. Wow, & we're sitting here in 80degree weather...84 in fact. Bet Candy had a blast though! Keep warm!

  2. That's a lot of snow! Stay warm and enjoy it. :-)

  3. :-) I would love to wake up to snow like that some day! We're just getting flurries here and there in Silver City, NM.

  4. I see what you mean about your snowfall. Quite the 2-4" (x 3)!

    Enjoy your winter, er, I mean spring wonderland.

  5. Here I am, basking in the warm 80's, where it was usually the other way around a few months back (I'm in Western NC). Enjoy the white stuff, but you and Candy stay warm. I love it when the weathermen are wrong - quite funny!

  6. OH MY! Now I see what you meant on my blog.
    I was going to head up Sunday but may wait until Wed. Freind said roads are icey and its cold. Don't want to drive up Salt River Canyon if its really windy or any chance of ice. Will check with ADOT for sure.
    Stay warm.

  7. Yikes! Left slab city and went to Wyoming and it was snowing. I was missing the sunshine immediately! Hope it's all melted away by now:)

  8. Now that is a lot of snow! Candy looks to be having a great time in it.


  9. Where'd ya go? Did you get eaten by all that snow? lol
